New Hordes Releases Incoming From Privateer Press

By Tim Roberts | January 27th, 2019 | Categories: Hordes, Privateer Press, Tabletop Gaming Products


Come and take a sneak peek at three of the newest upcoming Solo character releases from the hobby maniacs at Privateer Press.

The latest releases from the creative team at Privateer press are all about the Skorne. Come and see these new upcoming minis.

Immortal Vessel: $14.99

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Following the unconventional path laid by Zaal, the Ancestral Advocate, the extoller caste has redefined its destiny, and now its most esteemed members no longer fear the Void. Some whose service to Zaal has been exemplary are allowed to transcend death to become immortal vessels, a stature below the full exalted yet preserved for eternity in stone. These vessels serve as conduits for the mortitheurgical power of warlocks and can guide destructive magics to smite those marked for death by the ancestors.

Extoller Novitiate: $12.99

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Becoming a full extoller is an arduous process, one with many trials where failure can result in death. Yet even novitiates who have yet to sacrifice an eye to gain their oculus can be useful on the battlefield. Each one labors day and night, carving the stone forms of the exalted, and through this skill, they can restore those damaged in battle or help quicken them to action. They are not warriors, but each wields a hammer augmented to shape stone, which can as easily be used to shatter the skull of any unwary foe that lingers nearby.

Abidan the Keeper: $16.99

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Some few immortals prove exceptional enough to earn esteemed recognition. In life, Abidan was a skilled warrior, though from a family of little standing. In death, he has won glory and honor denied him in life. He was shattered in a clash inside Ios, where he fought back to back with Hakaar the Destroyer. When the extollers recovered his sacral stone and the exalted ancestors spoke his praises, a new, more ornate form was granted him, and so he became the Keeper. Given a special place among the immortals, he fights to safeguard those around him, moving to intercept blows intended for his ancient companions.

We can’t wait to see these new Solo charactors reak havoc upon the Iron Kingdoms. Make sure you visit PrivateerPress to find out more about these upcoming releases!