New Hyena-class Droid Bomber Spotted From FFG


Come and take a look at one of the coolest boomer that needs no pilot as we take a look at the new X-Wing Miniatures Expansion from FFG.

The creative team at Fantasy Flight Games are ramping up the galactic dogfight known as X-Wing Miniatures. Let’s take a look at their latest pre-order.

Hyena-class Droid Bomber Expansion Pack: $19.95

Get Yours For Less From Miniature Market!


Baktoid Armor Workshop’s Hyena-class droid bomber is a wartime evolution of the Trade Federation’s Vulture-class droid fighter. Carrying an extensive payload of experimental and deadly ordnance provided by the Techno Union, the Hyena is a nasty surprise to any Republic loyalist who dismisses the danger posed by “mere” droids.


Compatible with Vulture swarm tactics, Hyena-class bombers add lethal new layers to Separatist squadrons. Within the Hyena-class Droid Bomber Expansion Pack, you’ll find everything you need to add some heavy firepower to your Separatist Alliance squadrons, including six ship cards, 10 upgrade cards, and two Quick Build cards.

This new Expansion will strike decisively and without fear! Make sure you visit Fantasy Flight Games to find out more about this new pre-order today!25