New Jersey Barriers & Dragon Teeth Traps From GSW

Don’t miss a great way to deck out your urban battlefield with these new terrain accessories from Green Stuff World!

If you are looking for some cool scatter terrain for your tabletop, look no further than these new releases from GSW. Let’s take a look.

6x Resin Dragon Teeth Traps for Tanks: $ 8.30



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6x Dragon Teeth Traps for Tanks

Dragon Teeth traps cast in high-quality resin, a great addition to any modern battlefield. Perfect for defensive lines in wargames, providing defense and barrier protection against tanks. Signs of battle damage can be scratched and etched onto the traps.

This product comes unpainted and is made for 1:48 scale, perfect for 28mm wargames.

Each set contains 6x Dragon Teeth traps for tanks.

6x Jersey Barriers: $ 9.76



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6x Jersey Barriers

New Jersey concrete barriers/walls cast in high-quality resin. Purposefully designed to imitate the texture of concrete barriers to provide realism to your dioramas and wargames such as Infinity.

This product comes unpainted and it could be used for 28 mm miniatures (1:48).

Dimensions: 5cm long x 2cm high x 1.5cm wide

Each set contains 6 resin Jersey barriers.

Small terrain features make an urban tabletop come to life! Make sure you visit Green Stuff World and secure your set of these cool concrete barriers today!