New Kill Team Starter Set Resin Base Bundle

SWM Thrill Team bases FeatureCome and take a  look at some great new bases from the creative minds at Secret Weapon Miniatures, just in time for your next game of Kill Team.

Secret Weapons Miniatures has some of the best hobby products in the gaming industry and their bases are second to none. Let’s take a look at their new Thrill Team Starter Bundle of miniature bases.


Thrill Team Bases

This Bundle is designed to help you get into the latest skirmish games, with bases designed to suit the models in the starter kit.
This bundle includes 11 bases in the Steel Plating Theme for mechanical units, and 12 bases in Steel Invasion for the alien menace! Integrating well with the mechanical themes and designs of the default terrain, this set will get your models based on gorgeous custom bases and into battle fast!
Set includes:
Steel Plating 10x 25mm round beveled, 1x 65×30 oval beveled
Steel Invasion 10x 25mm round beveled, 2x32mm round beveld (chosen randomly from 10 available designs!)

Be one of the first out of the gate to pimp your new Kill Team Starter with these great new bases from Secret Weapon Miniatures!

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