New Lovecraft Inspired STL Kickstarter Creatures of Cromsfall

By Tim Roberts | February 25th, 2020 | Categories: 3D Printing, Kickstarter, Tabletop Gaming Products

Creatures of CromsfallCome and see an amazing looking miniature Kickstarter that is inspired by the legend himself as we take a look at Creatures of Cromsfall.

Creatures of Cromsfall is the latest Lovecraft inspired project to hit Kickstarter but their miniature designs look second to none. So Fire up those printers and let’s dive in.

Creatures of Cromsfall STL Kickstarter:

Creatures of Cromsfall

Greetings Weirdlings! My name is Leavon, a sculptor at Spare Oom Studio, and with your help, I’m hoping to summon a number of unspeakable horrors into our realm! 

Creatures of CromsfallCREATURES OF CROMSFALL is a Lovecraft inspired  3D printable miniatures and bigatures Kickstarter, although these foul creatures can be used with any gaming system. The Elder Gods have been working through me for some time now, conjuring dark visions that I feel compelled to sculpt.

Creatures of CromsfallThe initial aberrations were of 3 epic scale monsters, but these manifestations have continued to plague me and I know that I must share more of these abominations with the world, perhaps in the form of stretch goals…..

Creatures of CromsfallThis campaign is for the digital STL files, not physical products.

This Kickstarter is a great way to score some amazing looking minis for your RPG games or even display case. Make sure you visit this Kickstarter and secure your pledge today!

Creatures of Cromsfall STL Kickstarter