New Miniatures Arrive From Privateer Press

HowlersCome and see the latest miniatures for your Warmachine and beyond from the hobby maniacs at Privateer Press.

The creative team at Privateer Press has been hard at work creating some amazing new minis for your tabletop experience. Let’s take a look at some of their latest releases.

Master Gurglepox: $24.99

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Master Gurglepox

You know you always wanted to see a necrotech riding a deathripper. Need we say more?

Master Gurglepox is a Specialist class Hero that is full of tricks and utility. Like all Specialists, he can lower the Loot Cost to equip Riot Gear to Heroes. Additionally, Gurglepox can earn a player Loot just by attacking and hitting an Enemy, thanks to his Salvage rule. Perhaps his dirtiest trick is his Caustic Fumes ability, which allows him to damage enemies that are too close when Gurglepox decides to run away.

When played in WARMACHINE & HORDES, this model is a Cryx Necrotech Solo.

Howlers: $79.99

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Howlers are heavy and brutish creatures from the Outer Abyss, each having become corporeal in an extremely durable form, boasting thick hides that readily turn aside blades and bullets. These beings ooze shadow and warp reality around them as they charge with ruthless abandon into the fray, entering a berserk frenzy. Though considered infernals, howlers are not as intelligent as the greater masters that enslave them, and they have no fear of destruction.

When Infernals want to smash their opponents in melee combat, they deploy Howlers to cut through their mortal foes. Howlers are big, stocky combatants with a large number of boxes and huge, powerful blades. Berserk and their naturally high MAT mean once they start swinging, they won’t stop until everything around them is dead. Vengeance and Bloodthirst provide movement tricks to punish your opponent for damaging them and ensure they will reliably cross the field and smash their victims.

Destructotron 3000: $19.99

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Destructotron 3000

Tired of trying to best your rivals with wit and guile? Then say hello to Destructotron 3000, the most straightforward solution to incinerating the smug looks off your enemies’ faces that money can buy. You’ll love him 3000!

Destructotron 3000 is a Gunner class Hero that specializes in melting faces. There is nothing fancy or tricky to this Hero—it’s a straightforward damage dealer. Destructotron deals the most damage when shooting at adjacent enemies, thanks to Point Blank and Disintegration abilities, which both trigger when they are right next to their target. Players looking to add a ranged DPS all-star to their Riot Quest Crew are definitely going to want to take a look at Destructotron 3000.

When played in WARMACHINE & HORDES, this model is a Convergence of Cyriss Solo.

Take your WarmachneandHordes Games to the next level with these new releases from Privateer Press. Make sure you visit their site and secure yours today!

Master Gurglepox: $24.99

Howlers: $79.99

Destructotron 3000: $19.99

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