New Mining Guild TIE Expansion Pack For X-Wing 2.0

Mining Guild TIE

Come and see what’s new for X-Wing Second Edition as we take a look at the Mining Guild TIE Expansion Pack from Fantasy Flight Games.

Working for the Empire has its advantages as the Scum faction knows all too well. For their hard work, they have amassed a collection of custom TIE Fighters of their own. Let’s take a look at this hot new ship for X-Wing 2.0.

Mining Guild TIE Expansion Pack: $19.95

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The Mining Guild’s collaboration with the Empire gives it access to state-of-the-art Sienar Fleet Systems technology, including modified TIE/ln fighters. The removal of two solar panels reduces the craft’s power output in exchange for a much-needed boost to peripheral vision when weaving through treacherous asteroid fields.

Within the Mining Guild TIE Expansion Pack, you’ll find everything you need to supplement your own mining operations and keep the profits flowing. Six ship cards—including four unique pilots—are ready to take the controls of the beautifully detailed, fully assembled Modified TIE/ln Fighter miniature. Meanwhile, five upgrade cards invite you to further customize your Mining Guild TIE to suit the unique needs of your Scum squadron.


Rounding out this expansion are a maneuver dial and all the tokens you need to experience this classic starfighter in a whole new way.

The new Mining Guild TIE Expansion will add even more speed and maneuverability to the forces of Scum faction. Make sure you secure your pre-orders today!

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