Kabuki’s New Resculpted Celtik Knight Primarch Model

By Zeb Barrett | July 24th, 2016 | Categories: Tabletop Gaming Products


If you think Kabuki Studio’s old models are amazing then you won’t believe what their new resculpts are looking like! Don’t miss this first look!

Kabuki Studio is starting to resculpt some of their already existing sculpts and the result is incredible! Check them out!

Source: Kabuki Studio (Facebook)

what a busy summer for us!

we are, among the things, re-doing our old Celtik Knight, that model was traditionally sculpted 5 years ago and now we’re remaking him bigger and in digital sculpture, also changing little details in order to have the model more dynamic and aggressive.
As for the previous version we’ll add also the 2 wolves!

Kabuki Celtik Knight

This is a wip of the pose, during the next week we’ll share some more advanced screens.

Unfortunately this is the only image we were able to grab of this sick looking new re-sculpt! Kabuki is always on top of their game when it comes to their sculpts!

Make sure to check out their site, Kabuki Studio, for all of the products they have out!