New Unnamed Orc Hero Orctober Release From Maxmini

By Tim Roberts | October 28th, 2018 | Categories: Orks, Tabletop Gaming Products

Come and see the latest Orktober release to hit the market as we take a look at the Unnamed Orc Hero from the hobby maniacs at Maxmini!

October is upon us and we are learning more and more about da best race in the galaxy! We are also seeing some amazing minis hit the market like this gem from the resin wizards at Maxmini! Let’s take a look.

The Unnamed Orc Hero: 11.99€

 Unnamed Orc Hero

Unnamed Orc Hero is a truely violent chieftain, ready to lead the biggest horde there is – no doubt about it! He’s the biggest, greenest and meanest warboss a clan can have. A natural born leader, fearsome warrior and surprisingly cunning strategist (well, for orc standards that is…), he exceedes every other greenskin on the battlefield, and wreaks havoc among enemies, hacking and slashing his opponents in a bloody whirlwind of flesh and metal.

Every Waaaaagh needs a great leader to bash some heads and keep those rowdy boyz in line. This new mini would look great atop a fully kitted out Battlewagon launching dakka at the Umies! Unnamed Orc Hero

Armed with a huge combi-dakka, bomb-flail and a lot of various boomsticks, he’s ready to pick the biggest fight there is. Such armament is pretty much the best summary of his personality, so if you’re looking for a monstrous killing machine to lead your horde into battle, this crude brute is the way to go!

We can’t wait to get our  Orks back in action with great looking models like the Unnamed Orc Hero From Maxmimi! Make sure you visit these hobby wizards and see what they have to offer your next hobby project!