New Warmachine Pre-Orders From Privateer Press

By Tim Roberts | November 2nd, 2018 | Categories: Privateer Press, Tabletop Gaming Products, Warmachine

Crucible Guard Feature

Come and see what’s next for the Warmachine Miniatures Game as we take a look at some new pre-orders from the team at Privateer Press.

New Crucible Guard miniatures are now available for pre-order from Privateer Press. Let’s take a look and see what’s new for this faction.

Eilish the Occultist: $14.99

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Privateer Press

An arcanist, scholar, and experienced sellsword, Eilish Garrity of the Black River Irregulars mercenary company now walks a dangerous road to power. Those who confront him in battle discover that his scholarly demeanor belies his potent arcane skill—which some suggest was earned through nefarious means. He insists he is wielding his power for the greater good, though it seems a dark path he treads.

This new miniature should bring a host of new arcane powers to your games of Warmachine and confront his enemies with mighty magical spells.

Vulcan: $144.99

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Privateer Press

Matching the size of other modern colossals, the Vulcan is no less than a rolling alchemical arsenal. Sloshing hundred-gallon vats within its structure allow it to unleash an array of alchemical attacks. A series of dispersal nozzles along the chassis can blanket a large area in a debilitating fog of toxic gas. Its primary weapon, the Aqua Mortuum rocket, leaves trails of alchemical poison in the air and detonates with a burst of lingering toxins, while its smaller vitriolic deflagrators hose down squadrons with concentrated, high-molarity acid.

This new Colossal Machine of war will let the rest of the Iron Kingdoms know that the Crucible Guard is to be taken seriously on the fields of battle!

Crucible Guard Mechanic: $9.99

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Privateer Press

The Crucible Guard has a small but dedicated corps of mechaniks that maintain and repair the army’s vital warjack complement. These soldiers are cross-trained for combat, as they must often affect repairs in the midst of battle. Outfitted with sophisticated equipment, these mechaniks brave incoming fire to reach damaged warjacks on the verge of destruction back to fighting shape.

With all the Steam powered contraptions forging across the battlefield someone has to keep them in tip-top shape. Let this battle mechanic help keep your Warjacks in the fight longer!

These new pre-orders will help bring glory to the Crucible Guard. Make sure you secure these amazing Warmachine miniatures for your collection today!