New Warmachine: Protectorate Of Menoth Pre-Orders

Feature Privateer Press

Come and see whats new for Warmachine as we take a look at the new Protectorate of Menoth pre-orders from Privateer Press.

Privateer Press has some big news for Warmachine fans, with some new pre-orders for the Menoth faction.  Let’s take a look.

Exemplar Theme Force Box: $119.99

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Base Size:

30mm 40mm

PIP Code:  32133
Price:  $119.99*
Model Materials:  Metal, Resin, Plastic
Model Count:  14
Packaging:  Box
Release Date:  August 17, 2018
Release Date Status:  Actual
*Product information and prices subject to change


Faith and Fury!

The Exemplar Knights make up a martial order of pious warriors who crusade in the name of Menoth, the Creator of Man. They are a blazing sword wielded by the clergy of the Menite faith. The Exemplar order makes up the backbone of the Protectorate of Menoth’s military might. Once called upon to uphold doctrinal purity and to root out potential heretics and traitors, they now march to war beyond the borders of their nation. When Exemplar go to war against the enemies of the faith, they do so invested with consecrated weapons and armor, guided by utter obedience to the will of the scrutator priests. Their faith is unshakeable, their minds unclouded by doubt or fear, and their advance unstoppable.

Take command of these zealous knights with this box, which contains a full complement of Exemplar ready to support your warcaster’s battlegroup. Fight in the Creator’s Name!

Exemplar Cinerator Officer: $24.99

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Base Size:  40mm
PIP Code:  32129
Price:  $24.99*
Model Materials:  Metal, Resin
Model Count:  1
Packaging:  Blister
Release Date:  August 24, 2018
Release Date Status:  Actual
*Product information and prices subject to change
Cinerator officers lead their brethren knights to the sound of ceaseless praise to the Creator of Man. These prayers are drawn from passages of the Litany of Fire, which exhorts the faithful to shun impure acts and can itself unravel the spells of enemy sorcerers. These cinerators urge their charges to march up the field with shields interlocked, all the while craving the moment when they can plunge their burning swords into the flesh of an unworthy foe.

High Exemplar Cyrenia: $14.99

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Base Size:  30mm
PIP Code:  32130
Price:  $14.99*
Model Materials:  Metal, Resin
Model Count:  1
Packaging:  Blister
Release Date:  August 17, 2018
Release Date Status:  Actual
*Product information and prices subject to change
High Exemplar Cyrenia is a cunning battlefield commander and skilled swordswoman who rouses her fellow Exemplar to feats of excellence. A luminary member of the Exemplar Order, she excels in defensive tactical strategies, coordinating the efforts of the knights under her command while inspiring them with the depth of her personal faith. Because of her diligence and peerless conviction to her duties, some whisper that she fights as if Menoth’s eyes were upon her.
Make sure you visit Privateer Press and secure your copy of these new Menoth pre-orders today!

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