OCT Free Model & Shipping From Victoria Miniatures!

MOTM Oct 2019Do you like FREE? Don’t miss out on free worldwide shipping, and models from the hobby maniacs at Victoria Miniatures today!

The hobby maniacs at Victoria Miniatures are showing off their latest mini of the month. It’s pretty easy! If you spend $50 or more you score this awesome tank crewman or one of 11 other minis of your choice for free.

Let’s hear it from Victoria herself.

New MOTM Victoria

I am thrilled to announce our newest Free Mini of the Month, Sgt. Tori, Tank Crew Woman. She is designed to fit in the open turret hatch of popular sci-fi tanks.

For every $50 you spend, you get to choose one Free Mini of the Month. Only while stocks last.

Thursday the 31st will be your last chance to grab Admiral Sora for free. But don’t worry, she will still be for sale in Victoria Miniatures regular range.

Happy hobbying, V

Kangaroo Tank APC Alternative to GW Chimera Victoria Miniatures UnboxingThis mini would be a great addition to one of their many tank releases like the new Kangaroo ACP.


Victoria Miniatures

Hello Hobbyists,
Did you know that Victoria miniatures always offers free shipping worldwide on any order $100 USD or more?
Shipping any order less than $100 is only $9.99. A $100 order will also qualify you for 2 free Miniatures of the Month.

This is great news for anyone wanting some alternate guard designs and get a sculpt of your choice for free. Make sure you visit Victoria Miniatures and score your free mini today!