Own the Battlefield With Tanks from Ratgard Minatures


Come and check out some great alternative tank option for your next IG project with these new vehicles from Ratgard miniatures.

Ratgard Miniatures has some great ways to add something new to your IG set up. Come and take a look at some great tank options for your next hobby project.

IShU-152 Siege Tank: $68

siege tank

IShU-Ratss Assault Gun is upgrade version of LeaderRatss battle tank. Include hull, track and sponson weapons.

This set have 64 resin kits and 7 metal barrels. Can make a complete IShU-Ratss Assault Gun with 3 types:

IShU-152 Siege Tank
IShU-130 Tank Destroyer
IShU-630 Gatling Tank

This set is 68$, shipping to the worldwide, you can contact me with

Leader Ratss M1 Battle Tank: $68

battle tank

LeaderRatss-M1 Battle Tank is upgrade version of LeaderRatss battle tank. Include hull, track and sponson weapons.

This set have 68 resin kits and 1 metal barrel. Can make a complete LeaderRatss-M1 Battle Tank

This set is 68$, shipping to the worldwide, you can contact me with

Vampyrum surface-to-air missile system: $48

sta system

The Vampyrum is a highly mobile, low-altitude, short-range tactical surface-to-air missile system, armed with 4 Bat-Teeth missiles, can efficient engage mostly aircraft and Skimmer vehicles. Vapyrum have a complex radar system, include a Target Acquisition Radar, a Target Tracking Radar, a Identification Friend or Foe(IFF) Aerial, and two Fire Control Radars. All these equipment are fitted on one transport vehicle, such as Imperial Guard Chimera Chassis. Thanks the all-in-one transporter erector launcher and radar (TELAR) vehicles, the Vampyrum have the ability to independent combat, or combine with Hedgehog AA-gun, Early warning radar and Command vehicle to Tiberis Air Defense System.

This kit include a set of Vampyrum SAM system. Total 41pcs resin kits.
This set is 48$, shipping to the worldwide, if have any question you can contact me with

Ratgard AFV Track Guard: $8

fav track guard

Ratgard AFV Track Guard for Imperial Guard Chimera and Leman Russ battle tank.

This set is 8$, shipping to the worldwide.

These are just a few options that Ratgard Miniatures have to offer. Make sure you visit Ratguard Miniatures and secure your tanks and accessories today!