Check out my new converted Nurgle Feculent Gnarlmaw terrain piece. It’s painted using the awesome new toys and infested with spiders!
Despite my non-existent posting for the last couple of months, I am still painting a lot of models. I’m currently painting a Nurgle army that includes everyone’s favorite tree: the Feculent Gnarlmaw.
I was about to call my converted Feculent Gnarlmaw done, but then I remembered a couple of months back, my friends and I bought some goodies from Green Stuff World and I had the Spider Serum lying around. Basically, you shoot that through the airbrush and wham bam, you have spider webs at the ready.
Spider Serum 4.45 €
With Spider Serum you will able to create a web of tangled plastic filaments which will recreate a very realistic spider web and aging effect to your sceneries, diorama, and models.
For airbrush use only.
So I figured, you know, might as well give it a try.
Let me be very honest, I had n0 idea what I was doing. I only bought the Spider thing serum because Arno said he was buying it and it looked cool. The impressionable neighbor that I am, I also bought it.
I watched the YouTube video GSW put online (not the whole thing either, I skipped to the “we’re spraying the thing with webs” part).
If you watch the video they build a big structure around it. I thought the branches of the tree would be enough for what I wanted so I didn’t bother with this. If you want to go for a thicker coat of webs look, you most def want to have some sort of frame to lay the webs on.
This is one such example. If I added a frame between the root and the ground, it would’ve looked much better and a lot more realistic. Ok fine it’s a green-glowing tree growing out of a port-a-potty, but as realistic as it gets. Now, without the frame, it just falls flat on the base.
If you are to buy the Spider Serum, make sure you buy 2 Cleaner solutions for 1 Serum pot. You really want to clean your airbrush thoroughly after putting the spider juice in there, so the more the merrier. You save a lot more money buying a 5 dollar cleaner than buying a new airbrush after each use.
And, in the same order of idea, the cleaner is potent stuff and melted through the solo cup I use for discarded airbrush paint and cleaning solution. Ye haveth been warned.