Preorders Announced For X-Wing Wave XIV


Pilots to the ready. Great news from Fantasy Flight Games today Wave XIV  is coming in hot! Let’s take a look at what to expect from these newest expansions.

Fantasy Flight Games Just announced This newest wave for their X-Wing Miniatures Game. This release takes us back to the story of rebellion and sacrifice that is Rogue One. Where most of these ships made there debut lets take a closer look at what exactly these awesome expansions have in-store for X-wing fans around the globe.

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In Wave XIV they are releasing two new expansions, Saw’s Renegades Expansion Pack and the mighty TIE Reaper Expansion Pack. You can bet there will also be a few new choice upgrade cards for you ace pilots to reshape the way you run your favorite list in this ever-growing game.

Saw’s Renegades Expansion Pack: $39.95

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Take the skies with Saw Gerrera and his renegades with the Saw’s Renegades Expansion Pack! Rather than introducing completely new ships to the game, this expansion follows in the vein of the Rebel Aces Expansion Pack and the Heroes of the Resistance Expansion Pack by introducing new versions of existing ships already in the service of the Rebel Alliance. In this case, you’ll find two new ship miniatures—a U-wing and a T-65 X-wing, both pre-painted in the stunning red-and-white paint scheme of Saw Gerrera’s freedom fighters.

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Though the ships may be functionally the same as the ones included in previous expansions, the Saw’s Renegades Expansion Pack offers an assortment of ship cards featuring pilots from Saw’s motley band of warriors—or even Saw Gerrera himself, flying his powerful U-wing into your battles. Along with new ship cards for both the T-65 X-wing and the U-wing, you’ll find an arsenal of fifteen new upgrade cards, equipping your squadrons with any number of unusual tactics or system upgrades.

TIE Reaper Expansion Pack: $29.95

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Engineered as a high-performance troop transport for in-atmosphere missions, the TIE reaper also made its debut in Rogue One. Equipped with advanced ailerons for precise atmospheric maneuvering, thick armor plating, powerful laser cannons, and the capacity to carry elite infantry, this menacing vessel struck fear into Rebel forces across the galaxy.

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Any TIE reaper that you choose to fly in your squadron packs a potent strike, rolling three attack dice as its primary weapon attack. A TIE reaper is not especially agile, leaving it with only a single defense die, but with six hull and two shields, these starships are durable enough to stick around on the battlefield. In fact, TIE reapers bring something quite special to your Imperial X-Wing squadrons. This ship bears the unusual jam action that lets you jam nearby ships and prevent them from using a focus, evade, or target lock—opening a wealth of tactical opportunities when you’re building your squad or flying into battle.

This wave has some Great upgrades, ships, and pilots from the Star Wars Universe. It has it all. To preorder your copies of Saw’s Renegades Expansion Pack and The Tie Reaper Expansion Pack head over to Fantasy Flight Games and secure your copy today!

“Save the Rebellion! Save the dream!”
–Saw Gerrera, Rogue One

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