Privateer Releases New Trolls, Cryx, & More!


A grip of new models is on the horizon for Privateer Press including the new Blighted Tollkin Let’s take a look at the latest releases!

Privateer Press has been hard at work coming up with new units and new models for existing units for their crown jewels Warmachine & Hordes. Let’s look today at the fruits of their labors with these hot new models

Jussika Bloodtongue: $17.99

Jussika Bloodtongue.jpg

Feared by all in the port towns of the Broken Coast who know of her exploits as “the Queen of Blood,” the blighted trollkin Jussika Bloodtongue is a favored lieutenant of Slaughterborn, a brutal taskmaster who leads hosts of Bloodgorgers and marauders in great orgies of destruction. She has become one of the most dreaded and infamous trollkin in the Scharde Islands.

Black Ogrun Iron Mongers.jpg

Iron mongers are black ogrun metalsmiths who combine their craft with rituals of blood and dark magic. The blood-forged weapons they create would be a reason enough for any captain to take iron mongers on as crew, but these ogrun are also skilled in the repair and maintenance of Cryxian ’jacks.

Satyxis Blood Priestess:$11.99

Satyxis Blood Priestess

Blood priestesses preserve the ancient traditions of Satyxis blood magic, worshipping the very act of bloodletting itself. Able to harness the arcane force of spilled vitality, these priestesses perform sacred rituals of primal power that predate Toruk’s reign. Wetting their sacral blades in the blood of their fresh victims they evoke potent spells and safeguard the lives of those they deem worthy, including such preeminent figures as the Queen of the Broken Coast.

Satyxis Raiders & Sea Witch: $59.99

Satyxis Raiders

Striking without warning, the savage and cruel Satyxis are the terror of the Broken Coast. Belonging to an ancient tradition in which sailing is as natural as breathing, these fierce warrior women believe nothing in life to be sweeter than plunder and slaughter. The Satyxis savage their victims with the tearing barbs of their enchanted lacerators or break their bones with smashing blows of their twisted horns.

All of these new additions to Hordes are set to release this March and we are sure they will make an impact on the tabletop. Do you plan on adding any of these new units to your current Hordes army? Or are you planning on starting a new one?

If so we would love to know your thoughts on these new releases from Privateer Press.