Puppetswar’s New Dreadnought Alternatives Drop for June Patreon!

Puppetswar featureDon’t miss out on Puppetswar’s new Dreadnought alternatives in wave 1 of their Patreon 3D STL files for June!

If you want some amazing files for your printer, there is a new kid on the block! We love seeing great-looking files hit the market for several different factions all at once. Check out what you can score with their Patreon in June!

There’ll be three waves of releases in June, so keep a lookout for the next two waves but don’t worry; we’ll also cover them for you.

This 1st wave brings some awesome alternatives for Space Marine Dreadnoughts, so let’s go ahead and take a look.

Puppetswar June Patreon

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Click Here To Get the June Puppetswar STL Files!

Not only do you get access to new files each month when you sign up on their Patreon on tribes, but you also get their welcome pack of 3d miniatures files as well!

Puppetswar Welcome Pack

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Meet the mercenaries from the Scoundrels Band, misfits that became allies of convenience in hard times of the far-future galaxy.

Here are the first five members of the band, and the idea is to make this team grow in time. Hopefully, with your help, we will be able to hire new crew members, and properly equip this gang with weapons and vehicles enabling them to earn a reputation and recognition in a harsh galaxy underworld.

Puppetswar is also on Tribes, which you can check out here.

Puppetswar tribes

  • By subscribing you will get access to The Current Monthly Release as well as to The Scoundrels Band Welcome Pack and a set of various Alpha Sector Bases.
  • Meet the mercenaries from the Scoundrels Band, misfits that became allies of convenience in hard times of the far-future galaxy.
  • Here are the first five members of the band and the idea is to make this team grow in time. Hopefully, with your help, we will be able to hire new crew members, and properly equip this gang with weapons and vehicles enabling them to earn a reputation and recognition in a harsh galaxy underworld.

Click Here to Get the Puppetswar Welcome Pack

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