Raid Boss Co-Op Board Game Kickstarter

Raid Boss Co-Op Board Game Kickstarter

Don’t miss the game where the bosses don’t play around! Let’s take a look at the Raid Boss Board Game Kickstarter.

This new Board Game is just the thing for board game lovers who want a real co-challenge when it comes to taking down the evil boss. Let’s take dive in.

Raid Boss Kickstarter:

Raid Boss Co-Op Board Game Kickstarter

This world, ruled by Tyr, has become warped and embattled. The shifting Void, along with antagonism from fellow Creators, Berdea, Reika, and Akeri, has left this universe in a state of turmoil. Emergent heroes, the Incarnates, struggle to gain autonomy in this reality, rallying forces and overturning the destructive whim of their Creators.

Raid Boss Co-Op Board Game Kickstarter

You control a Hero with a mechanically distinct and heavily themed set of abilities. Each Hero has an Assist that can be used at ANY time — including other players’ turns! Gather your team to face off against stalwart, quirky, and skill-testing Bosses that come equipped with their own special deck of cards. 

Raid Boss Co-Op Board Game Kickstarter

There are currently 11 playable Heroes and 5 Bosses to challenge, each lavishly illustrated, giving you a wealth of content and a variety of challenges.

Raid Boss has flexibility that allows you to devise incredibly clever skill sequences. Game-ending threats soon become trivial as you experiment and gain experience, allowing you to tackle devious and puzzle-like advanced Bosses.

Take the fight to the evil boss and as you inch your way to a well-earned victory! Make sure you visit the Raid Boss Kickstarter and secure your pledge today!