Relive 1986 & Transformers Movie with Studio Series Figures!

Autobot Wheelie FeaturePrime is getting a host of reinforcements & enemies from the 1986 Transformers: The Movie with new studio series figures from Hasbro!

A couple of weeks ago we took a look at the death of Optimus Prime, this week we look at some Transformers not quite so grim! If the Death of Optimus Prime was too much to handle maybe these other studio series figures are for you!

These are on pre-order and some are even sold out already. If you see a figure you love, don’t wait! It’s no wonder they are selling out so fast, as each one is super awesome! If you want to relive your childhood favorites, you have to grab some of these figures. Since they’re still on pre-order we also hope they will release more of the ones that are already sold out.

Transformers: The Movie – Autobot Jazz $19.99

Autobot JazzJazz converts to a race car in 20 steps! These are so close to the movie you can almost feel the shag rug under your feet as you play with this figure. Let’s look at the specs on this one:

  • Figure features classic conversion between robot and racecar modes in 20 steps. Perfect for fans looking for a more advanced converting figure.
  • Removable backdrop displays Autobot Jazz figure in the Moonbase One Destruction scene
  • Figure scale: 4.5 inches

Blurr: $19.99

BlurrBlurr is aptly named as he transforms into a hovercar. While he’s not as well known today, he played a big role in the movie and is a super great looking figure! Here are the specs on this one:

  • Figure features classic conversion between robot and Cybertronian hovercar modes in 18 steps. Perfect for fans looking for a more advanced converting figure. 
  • Removable backdrop displays Blurr figure in the Battle of Autobot City scene
  • Figure scale: 4.5 inches

Autobot Hot Rod: $29.99

Hot Rod rHelp Hot Rod fulfill his destiny to become Rodimus Prime! Definitely one of our favorite Autobots from the movie! Let’s see how big this figure is:

  • Figure features classic conversion between robot and sports car modes in 29 steps. Perfect for fans looking for a more advanced converting figure. For kids and adults ages 8 and up
  • Removable backdrop displays Autobot Hot Rod figure in The Depths of Unicron scene
  • Figure scale: 6.5 inches

Sold-out Scourge: $29.99

Scourge Transformer rHopefully, they release more of these! As the pre-order for this one sold out almost instantly. We’re sure they will with so much hype already being built around this series. Here are the specs on this one:

  • Figure features classic conversion between robot and Cybertronian hovercraft modes in 19 steps. Perfect for fans looking for a more advanced converting figure. For kids and adults ages 8 and up
  • Removable backdrop displays Scourge figure in the Heralds of Unicron scene. Fans can use the backdrop and pose their figures in the scene with their own style
  • Figure scale: 6.5 inches

Sold Out Autobot Wheelie: $49.99

Autobot Wheelie r


Autobot Wheelie 2 rWho doesn’t love a dinosaur Transformer? This is the biggest of all the new figures but unfortunately sold out almost immediately. Again we hope it will be put back on sale! Here are the specs on this massive Transformer:

  • Figure scale reflects the characters’ size in the world of The Transformers: The Movie. Figure and packaging are inspired by the iconic Mockery of Justice scene
  • Grimlock figure features classic conversion between robot and t-rex modes in 24 steps. Perfect for fans looking for a more advanced converting figure. For kids and adults ages 8 and up
  • Removable backdrop displays Grimlock and Autobot Wheelie figures in the Mockery of Justice scene
  • Figure scale: 8.5 inches

Will you be picking any of these up? What’s your favorite Transformer movie?

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