Roman Texture Rollers From Green Stuff World

By Tim Roberts | January 5th, 2019 | Categories: Green Stuff World, Tabletop Gaming Products

Green Stuff World

Need some new ideas for basing your miniature and terrain projects? Then check out these new texture rollers from Green Stuff Wold!

The hobby maniacs at GSW have one of the best systems for creating your own custom bases! Check out these new Green Stuff Rollers.

Rolling Pin ROMAN: 12,00 €



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Rolling Pin ROMAN

Textured Rolling Pins capable of pressing a continuous repeated pattern on clay and putties. Made of clear PMMA plastic with amazing non-stick properties. Non-toxic. They come in several different textures that you can purchase based on your specific needs.

Length: 14’50 cm (5’5 inches)
Diameter: 2’5cm (1 inch)
Pattern Size: includes Roman pavement with writing and Roman designs.

Rolling Pin Sett Pavement: 12,00 €



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Rolling Pin Sett Pavement

Textured Rolling Pins capable of pressing a continuous repeated pattern on clay and putties. Made of clear PMMA plastic with amazing non-stick properties. Non-toxic. They come in several different textures that you can purchase based on your specific needs.

Length: 14’50 cm (5’5 inches)
Diameter: 2’5cm (1 inch)
Stone Size in the pattern: 4×4 mm

Rolling Pin MANDALA: 12,00 €



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Rolling Pin MANDALA

Textured Rolling Pins capable of pressing a continuous repeated pattern on clay and putties. Made of clear PMMA plastic with amazing non-stick properties. Non-toxic. They come in several different textures that you can purchase based on your specific needs.

Length: 14’50 cm (5’5 inches)
Diameter: 2’5cm (1 inch)
Pattern Size: includes Roman pavement with writing and Roman designs.

These textured rollers from GSW are a great way to create custom bases on the cheap! Make sure you visit Green Stuff World and see their full line of these great hobby products!