Sabotage Showdown: New Shatterpoint Mission Pack Available

Shatterpoint Sabotage ShowdownShake up your games of Star Wars Shatterpoint with the all-new mission pack Sabotage Showdown, available on the new Asmodee website!

If you want to see the core set and where you can grab yours, be sure to check out this article.

Let’s look at the new expansion itself first, which you can order here, or if you’re reading this after 10/27/2023, you can pick it up from your favorite local store! 

Sabotage Showdown Star Wars Shatterpoint Mission Pack: $14.99

Click on these links to order yours for less from these retailers: | Amazon | Asmodee Website | Dicehead Games | Bazooka Games | Frontline Gaming | Element Games (UK) | or | eBay

Shatterpoint Sabotage Special 2

The cover of the mission pack featured crowd favorite Hondo is probably to hype up his upcoming release in the That’s Just Good Business squad pack that they revealed on the roadmap.

Shatterpoint Sabotage Special missions

Here, we get to see a little bit about some of the missions, including the titularly named Sabotage Showdown. In addition to a new shape for the objective tokens to lay in, there are different abilities on each mission card that correlate with the Sabotage Showdown instructions.

Players can embark on a new Star Wars: Shatterpoint mission with this pack! Featuring the first new set of Mission cards outside of the Core Set, Sabotage Showdown adds more variety to games of Shatterpoint with new objective layouts and new mission special rules that pose new tactical challenges for strike teams to overcome.

New Star Wars Shatterpoint Missions:

The latest on new Star Wars Shatterpoint Sabatoge Showdown missions come from Atomic Mass Games.

Star Wars Shatterpoint Sabotage Showdown

Each mission pack in this original set plays off core concepts and ideas found across all three missions, ensuring players have a foundation of familiarity alongside the new tactical and strategic challenges each pack poses to their Strike Team construction and in game decisions. Additionally, this spacing allowed players time to learn and adapt to the unique gameplay of Shatterpoint, allowing us to introduce concepts in a way that didn’t overwhelm players with too much too soon, but instead, just like with the release schedule of squad packs, allowed them room to grow and explore the new experiences of Shatterpoint while still keeping the game fresh and exciting as new elements to explore are revealed with each new wave.

Sabotage Showdown throws players into a much tighter battle that is reminiscent of the battles we see fought amid a starcrusier’s reactor room, within the confines of a starship hanger, or around an enemy artillery emplacement. In addition to navigating the closer quarters and how that will impact the Units in their Strike Force, Sabotage Showdown also throws a new tactical layer on top of players Shatterpoint activations. Each Struggle card has a special Tactics ability listed beneath the Active Objective map. When a player chooses to activate a Unit with their Shatterpoint card, the chosen Unit gains the listed Tactic ability until the end of the turn.

It’s interesting to think about fighting on a starcruiser and not just out on an open battlefield. This also gives you the ability to have your objective markers all over the place and sometimes super close to one another.

New special tactics abilities on the cards also give you a little bit of randomness that you’ll have to adapt to mid-game, which should be really fun, but you might have to change up your terrain if you really want it to feel like you’re fighting on a starcruiser!


With Tactic abilities that allow characters to Dash, refresh Force, or remove damage or conditions, Sabotage Showdown dramatically amps up the possibilities and power of each player’s Shatterpoint activation.

With the release of this new mission pack, players will now have another important choice to make when creating their Strike Teams. Choosing the right mission to go with your Units is no doubt a powerful advantage, but, as with all things in the Star Wars galaxy, there is no guarantee that your chosen mission will be the one you and your opponent will fight over.

With more abilities, smaller maps, and new objective placements, these missions should be entertaining. Especially since it is only $15, you won’t have to dish out a ton of cash to change up your games!

Just in case you didn’t notice, you’ll have to grab this at Asmodee’s new domain. It looks like shop DOT asmodee is changing exclusively for retailers, so now you can go to store DOT asmodee for all your Asmodee needs!

Click Here to Get Your Sabotage Showdown Mission Pack!

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About the Author: John Von Canon

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John Von Canon

Job Title: Miniatures & Trading Card Games Writer

Socials: @AtogOrTwo 

About John Von Cannon: Tabletop gaming since 2016; John joined the Spikey Bits team in 2023 and covers new miniature products, trading card games, and RPGs.

He spends his evenings working at his local game store for the full hobby experience. So if you’re looking for niche and convoluted ways to sneak out a win in your next Commander game or a cool new hobby product for miniatures, he’s your guy.