Sold Out Aether War Age of Sigmar Unboxing & Build

Sold Out Aether War Age of Sigmar Unboxing & BuildNew year, new box set! Come and take a look at the latest two army box set from Games Workshop as we unbox and build the characters from Aether War.

Games Workshop is coming in hot this week with the newest release for AoS! Today we are going to crack open the new Aether War box set, build the new minis and see if it is worth your hard-earned hobby dollars. Let’s get this party started.

Aether War: $185

Get Yours For Less From Miniature Market Or Dicehead Games!

Aether Wars

This set contains 18 plastic Citadel Miniatures, including:

Kharadron Overlords:
1x Endrinmaster with Dirigible Suit, the ideal leader for your sky-fleets and currently exclusive to this set
6x Skyriggers – buildable as Endrinriggers or Skywardens
1x Grundstok Gunhauler – a fast and mobile weapons platform armed with your choice of cannon

Disciples of Tzeentch:
1x Magister on Disc of Tzeentch – an airborne master of magic currently only available in this set
6x Tzaangor Enlightened/Skyfires – disc-riding beastmen armed with savage spears or long-ranged greatbows
3x Screamers of Tzeentch – daemonic sky-beasts capable of shredding enemies in brutal fly-by attacks

Additionally, this set includes:
The 41-Page Aether War Book – including lore, art, battleplans, aerial battle rules and more
Warscroll Cards – offering you quick-reference rules for all the Citadel miniatures in this set
Hidden Agenda Cards – cards for tracking the in-game objectives of the Disciples of Tzeentch and the rewards they receive for fulfilling them
A double sided card token sheet – perfect for tracking ongoing effects

Values Breakdown:

Aether War Breakdown

For the Tzeentch side of the box, you are getting a square deal especially if you buy this box with the buddy system. This half of the box alone is roughly $150 total value.

Aether War Breakdown

Aether War Breakdown

The New Minis:

The Kaharadon Overlords half is a slightly better deal at $165 and we expect to see the new Enridmaster with Dirigible Suit make his way to the tabletop. Seeing how he is the first unnamed character for this faction there is tons of potential there. Overall MSRP for the contents $315 with a total savings of $130.

Aether Wars

As far as the new minis, let’s start with the new Endrinmaster. This new miniature has a lot going on with it. Check out his new jetpack with an upgraded propeller. This mini has all of the great gadgets that one would expect from the Kaharadon Overlords.

For a better look at these new minis along with assembly instructions. Check out our unboxing and build video below.

Aether WarsThe new Magister on a Disc of Tzeentch looks a little like the Green Goblin with his long hooded cloak. This new miniature goes together easily the only thing to look out for is the three-piece head and the cape is going to have some seam-lines that will need some hobby attention. Vallejo Plastic Putty or Tamiya Thin Cement would work great for filling out these gaps.

This new box is a great start to the new year and a great way to get your collection rolling with one of these two amazing armies.

As always, keep those hobby muscles strong, stay in the trenches, and check out our video below! Patreon supporters of Spikey Bits get models like this each month shipped to them.