Square Base New Releases From Mantic Games

By Tim Roberts | January 9th, 2020 | Categories: Mantic, Tabletop Gaming Products

Nightstalker Reapers TroopSquare base time! Come and see some amazing new fantasy miniatures from the hobby maniacs at Mantic Games.

If you are looking to upgrade your fantasy miniature collection, check out these new releases from Mantic Games.

Nightstalker Shadowhounds Regiment: $29.99

Nightstalker ShadowhoundsShadowhounds are huge, black, twin-headed canines, with gnashing jaws and fur matted with vile ectoplasm. Hunting in packs, those lucky enough to escape these beasts can still hear the howling in their heads long after they have awoken. The unfortunate victims who weren’t fast enough are devoured, their screaming skulls forever leering from the shadow hounds’ foul hides

Nightstalker Phantoms Troop: $29.99

Nightstalker PhantomsPhantoms are phantasms that appear as cloaked, floating bodies. Their partially hooded heads reveal glimpses of the screaming and bloody skulls of people trapped between worlds. These foul creatures are often seen dragging their victims into their shadow forms, consigning them to a fate best left unknown.

Nightstalker Reapers Troop: $29.99

Nightstalker Reapers

Reapers are vicious, violent creatures, armed with a wicked array of blades, claws, and teeth. They stalk those who fear violence and bloodshed, bringing their worst nightmares to life with lethal and visceral precision

These new miniatures would make a great addition to any fantasy collection. Make sure you visit Mantic Games and secure yours today!

Nightstalker Reapers Troop: $29.99

Nightstalker Phantoms Troop: $29.99

Nightstalker Shadowhounds Regiment: $29.99

About the Author: Tim Roberts