Stand Up & Rebel: Star Wars Legion Preview

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Rebel troopers rock in Fantasy Flight Games’ latest preview for their upcoming Star Wars Legion game that is on the way in March! Come see the latest.

When Fantasy Flight Games releases their highly anticipated game Legion, the new rebels expansion will drop alongside the first wave of expansions for the game. This Expansion comes with seven unpainted, easily assembled Rebel Trooper miniatures, with all the cards and tokens that you need to add a  squad of Rebel Troopers to your army list.

CHeckout FFG’s latest preview:

Rebel Troopers in Star Wars: Legion are armed with the A-280 Blaster Rifle—a noted improvement over the E-11 blaster rifle that’s standard issue for the Stormtroopers. When firing with the A-280, each Rebel Trooper in the unit contributes a single black die, giving you a much better chance to hit than with the weaker white attack die used by the E-11. Though their weapons are more impactful, the Rebel Troopers’ lack of heavy armor also means that it’s easier to damage a Rebel Trooper than a Stormtrooper. Rebel Troopers only roll the white defense die when defending against attacks—however, their natural mobility can help to make up for their lack of armor.

Any unit in the game can use one of its actions to duck and evade incoming attacks, taking a dodge token which can be spent later that round to cancel one hit during an attack. Still, Rebel Troopers have a special affinity for the dodge token, much like Stormtroopers prefer to take their time and aim before firing. Rebel Troopers are Nimble—whenever they spend a dodge token, they gain a new dodge token after the attack! Weaving around incoming laser fire is a perfect way to help your Rebel Troopers reach their objectives unscathed, even when they’re coming under heavy fire.

With one black dice for each of your Troopers at range of one to three and also in close combat, it is easy to see that they are no push over when it comes to doing battle and dishing out damage. Plus their Nimble ability makes the super survivable, canceling out one hit dice automatically.

Though all Rebel Troopers start out with the same basic abilities, they also have four upgrade slots for you to customize your unit and tweak its performance to match different strategies. Rebel Troopers, like Stormtroopers, have a gear upgrade slot and a grenades upgrade slot—and just like the Stormtroopers Unit Expansion, this expansion offers Impact Grenades and Grappling Hooks as alternatives to the Concussion Grenades and Targeting Scopes included in the Core Set.

You may also decide to supplement the standard complement of troopers in a squad by filling in the personnel and heavy weapon upgrade slots. A Rebel Trooper upgrade adds an additional Rebel Trooper miniature to the squad—simultaneously increasing the squad’s firepower and its longevity on the battlefield.

For a few more points you can upgrade your unit to have a few more Troopers to carry heavy weapons, like a Z-6 rotary blaster cannon. This beast is a Storm Trooper killer with six white attack dice range one to three it will take out its fair share of blind followers of the dark side.

Rebel Trooper diagram 2

An MPL-57 Ion Trooper can use his grenade launcher to reliably punch through vehicle armor, and more importantly, to give that vehicle an ion token. Hitting vehicles with ionizing weapons is a perfect way to knock out their systems temporarily, and in Star Wars: Legion, each ion token forces the vehicle to lose an action. If you desperately need to shut down an AT-ST or similarly powerful vehicle, concentrating fire with MPL-57 Ion Troopers is an excellent way to do it.

Also, in this box is the powerful tank stopping power of the MPL-57 Ion Trooper whos Grenade launcher takes care of those pesky walkers and jet bikes taking away one of their two actions with an Ion Token, and also dishing out some Impact 1  justice on the hard to hit walkers of the imperial war machines.

We at Spikey Bits are stoked for the release of Star Wars Legion and can’t wait to see more of Wave 1 from Fantasy Flight Games!

Rebel Trooper Expansion: $24.95


The Alliance recruits warriors from every world—wherever they can find beings who have come to hate the Empire’s tyranny. Together, these ragtag groups of recruits become Rebel Troopers, carrying out the fight against the Empire on dozens of worlds across the galaxy. The Rebel Trooper is well-used to embarking on stealthy missions, and above all, they’ve learned to trust the other soldiers in their squad with their lives.

The Rebel Troopers Unit Expansion features a full unit of seven Rebel Trooper miniatures, identical to the Rebel Troopers included in the Star Wars: Legion Core Set. This expansion also includes the unit card and an assortment of upgrade cards, inviting you to kit out your Rebel Troopers for any battlefield scenario.

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