Step Up Your RPG Encounters: Chronicle Cards KS

By Tim Roberts | December 24th, 2018 | Categories: Kickstarter, RPG, Tabletop Gaming Products

Need to upgrade your RPG encounters? Don’t miss this Kickstarter that’s both innovative and affordable for making your game night even better.

Chronicle Cards is a system of decks designed to spice up your RPG games and help you come up with great encounters on the fly Let’s take a look.

Chronicle Cards

The open-ended design means that you can use these cards in any game system that you wish.

Whether you’re a GM, DM, Storyteller, or anything in between, these cards have something to offer you. They are perfect for new creators to help develop their world, as well as being a terrific resource and inspiration for experienced players. There is also a ‘how to’ card included in every deck to help you convert certain values to fit the current system you are playing. We understand there are a lot of great game systems out there, and it’s important for you to be included!


Chronicle Cards

Again, these cards are not just limited to your Fantasy RPGs but could also be used in other systems like Wrath & Glory Shadowrun and many other games!

Let’s take a look at the four decks that this Kickstarter is offering:

Chronicle Cards

This system is also pretty affordable. Let’s look at the Deck of Your Choice Pledge.

Pledge AU$ 20 or more


Deck of Your Choice

A 50 card deck of your choice.


  • CC Deck of Your Choice
Anywhere in the 
These Chronicle Cards look like a great way to help boost your imagination the next time you run a tabletop adventure. Make sure you visit the Chronicle Cards Kickstarter and see if this one is right for you.