The Ssethregoran Empire 5th Edition Kickstarter

The Ssethregoran Empire 5th Edition Lizardmen

Take your 5E Dungeons & Dragons campaign to a whole new scale with the new The Ssethregoran Empire 5th Edition Lizardmen supplement Kickstarter.

Your swamp and jungle encounters will never be the same with this new 5E supplement. Come check out The Ssethregoran Empire 5th Edition Kickstarter and see if this Kickstarter is right for your gaming group.

The Ssethregoran Empire 5th Edition Kickstarter:

The Ssethregoran Empire 5th Edition Lizardmen




The Ssethregoran Empire 5th Edition Lizardmen

The Ssethregoran Empire isn’t just a collection of monsters as there’s a full society explored within these pages, from their culture and religious views, to their history which stretches back over 7,000 years.  This second volume in the Codex Geographica series focuses on the reptilian empire of Ssethregore, ruled by a race of serpent men, it is an ancient nation filled with other sentient reptilian species, like the ss’ressen, lizard men of different egg clutches bred for specific tasks, the massive iguadons, aquatic pliesauran, winged rhamphorikes, the vermin-like kobolds, and more!

This Kickstarter not only gives you a massive book filled with everything you need to plug these beastly creatures into your existing world but it also comes with a players guide to add some of these creations to your player party as well.

The Pariah Egg Clutches: A Player’s Guide:The Ssethregoran Empire 5th Edition Lizardmen

Each of these monstrous races also include player character options, new spells, feats, and subclasses. For those playing the Black Talon ss’ressen, an entire chapter is devoted to the Pariah Egg-Clutches, with an in-depth look at their culture, history, religions, and more.

The Ssethregoran Empire 5th Edition Lizardmen

Pledge $45 or more

Ssethregoran Empire Early Serpent

At this level you’ll receive:
Ssethregoran Empire PDF
Ssethregoran Empire Print Copy
The Pariah Clutches: A Player’s Guide PDF
The Pariah Clutches: A Player’s Guide Print

All shipping costs charged after the end of the Kickstarter. See SHIPPING section for details.

SHIPS TO Anywhere in the world
This new Kickstarter should add something unique to your next campaign setting. Make sure you visit the Ssethregoran Empire 5th Edition Kickstarter and find the pledge level that is right for you.