These Orcs Are Perfect For Warhammer The Old World

Orc Warriors RegimentIf you’ve been in the market for some dope-looking alternative models, you have to check out Avatar of War’s Orc Warrior Regiment!  Here is a great way to get some Orcs for your games of Warhammer the Old World for not

In addition to releasing amazing resin miniatures on their Patreon. Plus, they’ve also come to drop some amazing options for people to pick up some affordable 3d STL files through their various Kickstarter Campaigns. This time around, they’re dropping some in-house produced Orc Warriors with some neat bit options.  They’ve got a few different options for pledge tiers depending on how many sets you’re looking to pick up.

Avatars of War Has A Kickstarter For Their Orc Warriors Regiment

Avatars of War orcs

Heroic (1 set): €30

Tier 1

Here’s what you get for the basic tier over on their Kickstarter:

1 SET: This set contains the components necessary to assemble 8 Orc Warriors, including 8 torsos, 8 legs, 11 heads, 8 right-hand weapons and 8 shields. Also included are all of the components needed to assemble a command group (musician, leader and standard bearer). Supplied with 25mm or 30mm bases.  All Stretch Goals

The following tiers after that vary only in the number of sets you’re receiving, the top being a 4-set bundle for €100.

Stretch Goals:

Stretch Goal 1

As listed above, each of the tiers comes with stretch goals included. On top of that, they’ve already unlocked 3 out of the 4 total stretch goals!

The First Stretch Goal has been UnlockedEXTRA HEADS AND EXTRA SHIELDS, which will be automatically added to the sets!

Stretch Goal 2

The Second Stretch Goal has been Unlocked: LEFT-HAND WEAPONS AND BARE HANDS, options, which will be automatically added to the sets!

Stretch Goal 3

The Third Stretch Goal has been unlocked: SPEARS options, which will be automatically added to the sets! And we are very close to achieving the Fourth Stretch Goal: Extra Banners!

Stretch Goal 4

So, if you’ve been looking for some sick Orc models, why not pick up an Orc Warrior Regiment and score a few exclusive models as well?  Don’t wait too long if this looks like something that interests you. That does it for this one. Check out their Kickstarter to snag your Orc Warrior Regiment before it’s too late!

Click Here For Your Orc Warrior Regiment!