Upcoming Age of Sigmar Board Game From Wizkids


A New AoS board game is on the horizon. Let’s take a look at what’s on the other side of the realm gate and see we can expect from this new game from Wizkids.

Get ready AoS fans. The creative team at Wizkids have a new board game, set in the world of Age of Sigmar and it’s right around the corner. Come find out what we can expect from the new Age of Sigmar: The Rise and Fall of Anvalor.

Warhammer Age of Sigmar: Rise & Fall of Anvalor:  $59.99

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Long-warring factions have put their quarrels aside, endeavoring to build a stronghold, called Anvalor, on The Great Parch. But each faction also has ulterior motives—they seek to take the stronghold under their control in order to strengthen their influence in all the Mortal Realms.


One to four players will select of one of six factions, including Order Serpentis, The Dispossessed, and Anvils of Heldenhammer, as well as one of their factions’ unique Aspects, abilities that can provide unique advantages during gameplay. Players build the stronghold by purchasing City Buildings, which will grant the player Influence; however, as soon as a City Building has been purchased, enemies will start to gather. When a turn ends with 3 enemies on the same side, they will assault, interrupting gameplay until the attack is completed. Players defeat enemies by rolling dice to either perform a Ranged or Melee attack, depending on the ability of the attacking unit. Upon defeating an enemy, the victorious player will gain Influence.


The game ends when the last enemy tile has been placed on the board. After a Final Assault, players will count the influence they’ve collected throughout the game. The player with the most influence wins!

The Rise and Fall of Anvalor, designed by Rustan Hakansson, offers many different combinations of play: each faction has four Aspects to choose from and the three different enemies have four different difficulties. Add to this the ability to play solo, and The Rise and Fall of Anvalor will offer many hours of varied and challenging gameplay.

The Rise and Fall of Anvalor releases April 2019, so be sure to preorder it at your Friendly Local Game Store today!


This new game will be a must-have for AoS players and board game lovers alike make sure you visit Wizkids to find out more about this upcoming release!