Upgrade Your Contemptor Dreadnought Alternative Traitor Bits!

By John Von Canon | March 6th, 2024 | Categories: Liber Daemonica, Tabletop Gaming Products

Alternative Contemptor Dreadnought Bits title Upgrade your Contemptor Dreadnought with Liber Daemonica’s new alternative Death Guard and Emperor’s Children armor upgrade bits!

Liber Deamonica has all kinds of alternative Space Marines bits on their site. All the heads, shoulder pads, backpacks, and weapons make for super easy conversions that will make your minis look amazing. In addition to some awesome bits, if you’re not feeling like painting all those models you’re planning to upgrade, they do some sick commission work covering all of your bases, from conversion to total paint jobs.

This time, we’ll be looking at some new alternative armor bits made especially for Contemptor Dreadnoughts! Also, with their recent move to Estonia, they have cleared up all the potential shipping issues from their previous location.

Armour model “Vetustus” type Phoenix

A unique Armor for your dred. The set contains 1 items shown in the picture. Suitable for new Dred models.(Contem)

Show off your fall from favor with these Emperor’s Children-themed upgrade bits!

Armour model “Vetustus” type Gass: 16,95€

Armour model “Vetustus” type Gass

A unique Armor for your dred. The set contains 1 items shown in the picture. Suitable for new Dred models.(Contem)

A Traitor Legion has never looked this good, especially with as much decay going on with the Death Guard.

Don’t wait around with boring and upgraded Contemptors! Pick up one of these kits and make your models stand out on the tabletop!

Click Here to Get Your Alternative Contemptor Dreadnought Bits!