Upgrade Your Hobby Space With a Spray Booth

By Tim Roberts | December 28th, 2018 | Categories: Hobby Products, Tabletop Gaming Products

Spray Gunner

Does your hobby space need an upgrade? Check out this affordable spray booth setup from the hobby maniacs at Spray Gunner and keep your air clean!

Spray Gunner has a great line of affordable accessories for your hobby studio with their No-Name line. Let’s take a look at their spray booth combo!

Editor’s Note: we did a review on a similar item back in 2015 and I can tell you from the look of this No Name brand I already like the clearer side guards right off the bat.  Click the video below to see how to set something like this up in your home with proper exhausting and more.

Portable Hobby Spray Booth by NO-NAME Brand: $99.00

Spray Gunner


Spray Gunner


Spray Gunner


Spray Gunner

Portable Hobby Spray Booth by NO-NAME Brand

An excellent choice for a home spray booth setup.


Spray booth with built in lights

7″ rotating surface

Ducting for exhaust

Window adapter

This neat little product will help keep your respiratory system in great condition even on the go! Make sure you visit Spray Gunner and see all the great products that they have to offer today.