Upsize Your X-Wing With C-ROC Cruiser Expansion Pack!

 C-ROC Cruiser Expansion PackThe Scum faction is bringing the heat to X-Wing 2.0! Don’t miss out on this epic size ship pre-order from the creative team at FFG.

If you are looking to pick up some of the largest ships on the tabletop for your X-Wing games FFG has got you covered no matter what faction you play. Let’s take a look at their new C-ROC Cruiser Expansion for X-Wing 2.0.

 C-ROC Cruiser Expansion Pack: $99.95

Get Yours For Less From Miniature Market

C-ROC Cruiser Expansion PackThe C-ROC Cruiser is the heaviest vessel available to many criminal operations, cartels, and syndicates in the Outer Rim, capable of carrying massive weapons batteries and unique dirty tricks that keep it one step ahead of the law. Whether it is hauling illicit cargo or marauding the hyperlanes in search of easy targets, the C-ROC is a flexible and dangerous craft.

C-ROC Cruiser Expansion PackThe C-ROC Cruiser Expansion Pack contains everything both Scum and Villainy and Separatist Alliance players need to incorporate one of these armed transports into their squadrons. A selection of ship cards, tokens, and maneuver dials gets your C-ROC into battle while a suite of upgrade cards invites you to add a bevy of dirty tricks to your cruiser. Finally, a plastic maneuver tool, huge ship resource tracker, and huge ship damage deck make managing your ship fast and easy.

This new expansion will definitely earn some coin for the Scum Faction as they loot and plunder the galaxy. Make sure you visit Fantasy Flight Games to find out more about this new Pre-Order today!