In an attempt to create a super soldier, the Soviet Union discovered how to make men into monsters. Check out the new releases for Konflikt ’47!
The abominations created from an attempt at creating the super soldier resulted in the creation of the Soviet Siberian Terror Squad.
Source: Warlord Games
Soviet Siberian Terror Squad: $24.00
Through a combination of espionage, scientific exploitation of prisoners, and defecting scientists, the Soviet Union gained substantial knowledge of the German super-soldier and genesplicing programmes and produced its own versions of DNA enhanced soldiers. In an effort to make soldiers immune to the cold, a method of making monsters out of men was discovered. With a form of anti-freeze in their veins, these ‘ghouls’ are immune to cold and fire and have a freezing touch that can cause immediate damage.
These fast fanatical nightmarish creatures can cause havoc in amongst your enemies lines, move up fast (don’t worry about flame weapons as they’re immune)to take advantage of their combat prowess!
Cost: 65pts (Veteran). Composition: 1 NCO and 4 men Weapons: Knife Options: Add up to 5 additional men with knives for +13pts each. Any models may be equipped with an SMG for +3pts/model. Up to 2 men can have a captured panzerfaust in addition to his SMG for +5pts each.
Soviet Heavy Infantry: $40.00
In a rush to keep up with their foes, Soviet infantry armour was developed quickly and put into use not long after their rivals. Cumbersome and bulky, the Soviet suits lack subtlety, but their effectiveness is not disputed. Unlike other nations, the Soviet heavy infantry is considered more of an anti-vehicle unit.
Slow but resilient with a duel weapons system these are some of the hardest hitting infantry in combat today. A true centre anvil for the hammer to fall upon and crush the motherlands foes…
Cost: 140pts (Veteran) Composition: 1 NCO and 4 men Weapons: Dual weapon pack and assault weapon Options: Add up to 5 additional men with dual weapon packs for +28pts each. Up to 4 men can replace their assault weapon with a dual weapon pack for +20pts each.
Soviet Konflikt ’47 Starter Set: $112.00
March 1947. As Europe emerges from the worst winter in living memory the Soviet war machine is replenished and ready for action. 1946 was not the greatest year for The Motherland, although the German invaders were repulsed in their efforts to invade. After reverses before the winter set in, the Soviet war machine is now ready to roll west and crush the German foes before them.
The tireless efforts of brave Soviet scientists have meant the technology of the enemy is now available against them. The Cossack walker is fast and carries a heavy cannon, able to defeat it’s recce counterparts at distance, and the new Heavy Infantry suits can tear apart infantry or vehicles with equal ease.
More fearsome is the sonic pulse cannon that has been fitted to the trusty T-34 medium tank – no target is safe from its effects. The Germans may have prepared themselves over the harsh winter but they face a relentless juggernaut as the spring thaws begin.
The Soviet Starter Set Contains:
- A5 softback Konflikt’47 rulebook
- 1 Cossack light walker
- 1 T-34/ZP medium tank
- 40 Soviet infantry
- 5 Soviet heavy infantry
- Pin Markers
- 6 six-sided dice
- 7 Orders dice