Today we’re going to show you how to bang out Dem Ork Technical effects. This is a great article for anyone trying to get their Orks to the next level!
We’re getting the Ork Boss Poll and hitting the highlights and getting them to the purest white.
Then we’re going to add in purple in the dark areas.
Then we’re going to hit the highlights with our flash git yellow.
Then we’re going to add gloss to the whole thing.
Once that dries we’re going to hit it with Gloss Earthshade so that it seeps into the recesses really easily.
We’re hitting our custom bike exhausts and adding orange brown.
Then Scarlet red towards the tips, Purple on the extreme tips, and then a dash of Blue, which will cover most of the purple, but this color combination will really make these exhausts pop.
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We’re going to add Vallejo pumice to the tire so it blends in well with the base.
Of course we’re not done yet, but we’re going to take this model to the next level over on Twitch.