How to Paint U.S. AIRBORNE – Bolt Action

The U.S. Army Airborne is being honored with a new expansion from Bolt Action. Next Level Painting has got them covered with a new paint tutorial!

Next Level Painting is opening the Band of Brothers expansion from Bolt Action and getting them painted up! Also showcased are the Rapid Deployment paint set and the US Army paint set from Warlord Games. Interestingly enough, Army Painter has made all of the paints in these sets, so you know the quality will be top-notch.

How to Paint U.S. AIRBORNE - Bolt Action

To get things started, a quick black priming gets our soldiers ready for their paint scheme. The actual U.S. Army uniform colors are used to represent our soldiers well. Next, a top-down highlight of white mixed with a little black goes over our primer.

How to Paint U.S. AIRBORNE - Bolt Action

Keeping it at a top-down level, US Army Green is used in a glazing effect. Keeping multiple layers thin with the green will add more depth to the historic feel of the colors chosen. Over the white and black pre-highlight, this green will keep your colors flowing together nicely. Keeping it subtle, on purpose, is what we are trying to achieve.

How to Paint U.S. AIRBORNE - Bolt Action

US Gaiters Brown and British Battledress are the next colors we are using to cover the belts, pouches, and straps. For these brown and khaki colors, light coats and very thin brush pressure will keep your paint looking smooth. Wood Brown works very well to cover your boots and holsters.

How to Paint U.S. AIRBORNE - Bolt Action

Using a watered-down version of the khaki color, a nice base coat for the flesh tones on our paratrooper’s skin goes on next. The Rapid Deployment paints make your color choices easy with simple paint schemes on these Bolt Action minis.