Hone Your Skills At Wet Blending Metallics

By Andrew Schrank | April 23rd, 2020 | Categories: How To Tutorial, Next Level Painting, Videos

Hone Your Skills At Wet Blending MetallicsThis week Kenny from Next Level Painting is back to help hone your skills at wet blending metallics. Test and expand your painting arsenal with this technique.

Kenny usually does full-scale painting tutorials, but in order to paint you also need to practice! This week he helping us by adding a new tool to our arsenal. Metals can be done in many more ways than we’d think, with this skill you can add more detail to your minis. Give it a few tries and you’ll have it down for sure.

Hone Your Skills At Wet Blending Metallics

metal wet bleds

After you give the weapon a solid base of your preferred color you can begin the wet blending. Using Pro Acryl Transparent Black w/ Metallic Medium, you can create a slow transition from the beginning of the blade edge starting with the black and slowly adding more and more medium to it.

Weapon indentsAfter that, you can go ahead and edge highlight with your metal color and also paint the edge of the blade with it.

black edge highlightJumping along to the final steps, you should do another edge highlight inside of the last one, but this time use a transparent black with some metallic medium. After that dries, if you would like, you can add some Secret Weapon Buster Orange for a rust effect along the top of the weapon.

With that, the exercise is finished!

You can support Kenny on his Patreon page, and stock up on all the great Chaos gear over on his Heretic Swag store.