Painting Muscles on Miniatures: Next Level Tutorial

Kenny Tutorial musclesKenny with Next Level Painting is here with another tutorial, this time it’s how to easily airbrush muscles on your favorite miniatures.

Kenny is no stranger to all things painting on stream and videos every week to help other hobbyists learn to paint better. This time he’s showing off the techniques and paints he uses for a model with bulging muscles. He’s mostly using Secret Weapon Paints.

Lucky for us, he also provides a list of the paints he uses in the description.

Painting Muscles

  • Secret Weapon Base: Meteor Violet and Blue Black Wash
  • Base Glaze: Comet Red
  • Highlight: Neo Burnt Red
  • Pop Highlights: Mole Tan Weathered Wood and Buster Orange

muscle primedStarting off with two assemblies, he primes everything black.

nlp muscle basedFor the first section, he starts with a good skin tone color using a coat of 50-50 Meteor Violet and Blue Black Wash, adds more flow improver, and goes over it again to highlight it. Without cleaning the pot, he adds Comet Red and uses the mixture like a top-down highlight, leaving the underside shaded. Once again, he adds more flow improver and makes another pass.

muscles skin done

Once again with the dirty pot, he adds Neo Burnt Red and goes over the muscles to make them a little more orange, and ever so slightly change the hue. Now he adds Mole Tan Weathered Wood with a little bit of some of the other colors to make his own flesh tone and marry all the colors with some highlighting. Then add more of the Mole Tan Weathered Wood and be more precise with the highlights.

fury demon doneWith the skin complete, he quickly finishes up the rest of the model’s details and we are finished!

You can support Kenny on his Patreon page, and stock up on all the great Chaos gear over on his Heretic Swag store.