Painting White is Secretly Easy – Wings Tutorial

Final Drybrush

Welcome back hobby maniacs, today Kenny is going to show us some Ancient Chinese Techniques for painting easy and killer white!

Kenny Mugshot

Have you always wanted to paint those White Scars bikers, but can’t figure out how to tackle that damn white armor?  Well wait no longer!  Kenny is going to walk us through a quick and easy method of painting some truly next level whites!

Blue Grey Base

The first step to painting these killer whites is to use a nice mid-tone grey basecolor. Here Kenny went with Army Painter Wolf Grey primer.

Base White

Starting with a thin layer of Flat White that is almost translucent, Kenny starts building up the different layers.  Once the translucent layer is completely dry, Kenny aggressively dry brushes with more the of Flat White to get extremely strong white highlights.

Blue/Black Wash

Now that the base white layers have been applied it is time to lay down some of the Ancient Chinese Techniques.  After gloss varnishing the wings, Kenny mixes some Dark Tone and Blue tone, along with some of the ever amazing Quickshade mixing medium.  This blue/black mixture is applied to the wing evenly to prevent pooling.

Final Drybrush

When the wash has completely dried Kenny applies another aggressive dry brushing layer to finish out this kickass white!

Checkout the whole video here for all of Kenny’s tips and tricks!