Night Lords

Night Lords Articles, News, Rumors & Updates

Step into the shadows of the Night Lords, where the latest rules, model updates, point changes, and rumors about these terror-driven warriors await.

Dive into their brutal tactics, fearsome legends, and the dark legacy of their Primarch, Konrad Curze, with the links below:

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From the horrifying precision of their Raptors to the sinister cunning of their Chaos Lords, follow the Night Lords as they spread fear and destruction across the galaxy.

Stay connected with all the latest updates on their grim conquests, twisted strategies, and the terror they wield as their greatest weapon.

Come take a closer look at the fantastic miniature for man who will be immortalized for being the first to utter: “Death to the false Emperor” Jago Sevatarion.

Read More | September 28th, 2015