Nova Open Virginia Primaries Results

By Rob Baer | May 21st, 2012 | Categories: Nova Open 2012

The dust has settled on the Nova Open Virginia Primaries Qualifier at FTW Games (the home of Spikey Bits)

So without further aideu, here are the overall results of the event. The top two finishers received Invitational spots in the 2012 Nova Open Invitational!

Special thanks to Mike Brandt (spelled with a ‘d”) and Austin for helping judge the event, and buying my drinks! And of course to all the players for participating.

Don’t forget our Birthday Celebration and “Iron Man” Tournament is right around the corner.  Linky:

I will try to post up all the army lists from the event here soon, by faction.

Rank Name Score
1 Kelsey Haley 100.6745238
2 Erick Ford 100.4855714
3 Casey Christopher 75.59907143
4 Jared Myers 75.5525
5 Joseph Stolmeier 75.41657143
6 Logan Valentine 75.40114286
7 Andrew Blackwell 75.37797619
8 Kevin Kagen 75.37640476
9 Kurt Clauss 75.3722619
10 Patrick Schifflett 50.603
11 Ben Blaisus 50.52883333
12 Justin Grandinetti 50.4887619
13 Travis Stauch 50.47695238
14 Joseph Eutsler 50.43085714
15 Phil McCafferty 50.42009524
16 Jeff Payne 50.40304762
17 Matthew Kunz 50.30038095
18 Andrew Burden 50.24995238
19 Kevin Bashford 50.24109524
20 Justin Cox 25.37169048
21 Wes Chavis 25.34947619
22 Dave Arvelo 25.34645238
23 EJ Walsh 25.3122381
24 John Jabe 25.3042619
25 George Sterman 25.26557143
26 Doug McNaron 25.22166667
27 Patrick Joseph 0.324047619
28 Zach Morgan 0.285738095