It sounds like something right out science fiction, but NASA may have landed onto the path of creating a ‘Warp Drive’.
It had been theorized for many years that it is possible to travel faster than the speed of light, well now it looks like this NASA study has proven that theory correct, and made a new discovery as well.
Here’s how it happened; researchers note that though beams that were shot into something called an EmDrive were recorded at speeds faster than light. Leading to the apparent proof of something called a Warp Speed Bubble, that could prove to be the key to future travel at Warp Speed!
All that is left to do is reproduce the experiment in a vacuum, which would rule out any interference, and the theory may be proven.
Best part is, just like NutraSweet, and Penicillin, this whole finding may have even been one big accident. At first researchers did not even realize that the EmDrive was replicating the theory of warp bubbles…
Will we all be vacationing in Alpha Centauri in just a few years?
Read more over on Mysterious Universe.