Rick & Morty: Portal Gun Toy Arrives

By Drago | October 15th, 2020 | Categories: Offbeat, Pop Gamer Culture

It is time to explore the galaxy, and other dimensions, in dangerously fun ways with Rick and Morty’s new toy portal gun from FunKo.

Rick and Morty fans can take their fandom to the next level, courtesy of FunKo. The company that brought us Pop! and action figures for many different lines of pop culture and geekery have added more Rick and Morty fun to their lineup: The Portal Gun!

Rick & Morty: Portal Gun Toy portal gun rick and morty


rick and morty portal gun

The Portal Gun, by FunKo, is a life size toy replica, measuring around 8 inches long with the words C-137 in the display

One buyer shared the following picture of the “portal” it creates and had this to say about the gun on Amazon:

rick and morty portal Gun

The Funko brand Portal Gun is definitely the way to go. It is well made, has decent weight, and the sound it creates doesn’t sound too cheap. It projects a decent portal in a bright room, but looks better in darker places. It is an excellent prop replica for fans of Rick and Morty.

This toy is available by many retailers that sell FunKo and Pop! miniatures, such as Amazon, local comic stores, and even some Targets around the country!

FunKo has other fun Rick and Morty collectables, including their line of Pop! Animation, action figures, and plushies. These include Hemorrhage, Sentient Arm Morty, Snowball Plush, Scary Terry, Mad Mr. Meeseeks, and so much more.  Be sure to check them out in the FunKo catalog!

mr meeseeks game

Other fun Rick and Morty toys and games include the Mr. Meeseeks Box. The button on top is needed by everyone by quoting various Meeseeks dialog from the show in an enthusiastic manner. The game follows the classic Meeseeks and Destroy episode by having the player draw Request cards, then rolling the dice to see if the request is completed. If not, you summon a Meeseeks who will either aide you, make you do embarrassing things…or try to kill you. Either way, what fun!

Many other games are hitting the market, featuring the crazy pair. What has been your favourite Rick & Morty fan collectible or other related product? Let us know in the comments below!

And awaaaaaay we go!