Indy Games First Look – Onslaught Miniatures

By Rob Baer | February 12th, 2014 | Categories: Onslaught MIniatures

If you happen to be in the mood for an “Epic” sized skirmish game but are fresh out of miniatures in that scale to play with, you may want to check this out.

Onslaught Miniatures has a sweet line of 5-10mm minis, that have a certain look to them that I’m sure you may find welcoming.

The detail work on them seems amazing from the screen shots, and painted model pics.

Look for more on this soon as I expect to have models in my hands shortly!

Be sure to like them on Facebook, and checkout their offerings over on their website as well! -MBG

From Onslaught Minis Site;

Onslaught Miniatures is a small, one person operation based out of Melbourne, Florida in the USA. It has been a life-long goal of mine to produce a line of war-game miniatures, and after many long, late-night hours, this goal is finally being realized.

For now, Onslaught Miniatures can be used in any 6mm scale game, but I do plan to create a rule-set of my own making in the near future.

Thanks go out to my awesome wife, who has encouraged and supported me every step of the way.
From conception to production, Onslaught Miniatures are made in the USA.