Daft Punkers: Painted Necromunda Eschers

necromunda hor walpaper

Lil Legend Studios has done it again, painting up some fantastic miniatures. Check out their take on House Escher in today’s Painted Figure Showcase!

Masters in the distillation of exotic liqueurs and poisons, the scions of House Escher are almost exclusively female. Not only does this fill a badly needed gap in Games Workshops range (i.e more female sculpts) it also allows us to paint some bizarrely exotic hairstyles!
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The gangers of House Escher love to drape themselves with exotic furs, which again give us the opportunity to indulge in leopard print.
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 If you would like to learn how to paint these, the entire process was filmed and photographed – there is a video in the seminar series on Patreon covering how to quickly add textures and ambient lighting to the miniature. There will be a comprehensive PDF and video series over the next few months.
For more information, check out Lil Legend Studio on Facebook.