The Leagues of Votann are what the Squats became in the new realms of the 40k universe, and they have come back with a vengeance!
Read MorePainted Figure Showcase
The Space Marines have been a thing for at least the last ten thousand years, but that is nothing but a blink of an eye to some of the aliens they run into!
Read MoreBefore the Khorne Berzerkers were berzerkers, they were simply known as the World Eater Space Marines!
Read MoreThere are some guns that you can tell were owned by someone with a more exaggerated personality!
Read MoreThe Space Marines are always ready to take on what other humans can not, but that doesn’t mean that they are unstoppable!
Read MoreThere are some Ultramarines that have been searching for weapons that they can use against the great threat, and this one found a Beskar sword!
Read MoreThe Space Marines have so many heroes that mankind can’t remember them all, so each chapter must record their personal stories!
Read MoreSpace Marines not only designate their rank through visual cues but also have armor that differs from their brethren sometimes!
Read MoreThe Dark Angels are always looking for their fallen brethren, but they had no idea that they may have had a sister!
Read MoreThe Space Marines have been getting better and stronger over the millennia and will only continue to do so for many more!
Read MoreThe Lion has recently returned, bringing the number of loyal Primarchs that have returned to two, but we may see more soon!
Read MoreThere are few warriors that are as powerful as the Imperial Guard; they go to battle with giant insects and alien robots with nothing but guns and a sword!
Read MoreThere are a few times in the 40k universe that something really changes and moves the story in a big way, and this one did!
Read MoreWith the release of the new 10th Edition, we wanted to revisit one of the smoothest paint jobs we’ve seen on Abaddon by Castle Brush EU.
Read MoreThe are only a few Primarchs who have returned, and most of them are chaos, so it’s nice to see another of the loyalists return!
Read MoreThe newest Primarch has a face that seems really similar; it may be because he looks like the Space Marine version of a certain Lannister!
Read MoreIn the far future when you need help and are losing faith fast, nothing helps more than having a lioness come to your side!
Read MoreIf you lose some body parts in the future, don’t worry about it; they can replace them, I mean if you can afford them…
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