Well my Iron Hands Terminators got some paint on them recently and are looking pretty good! I can’t wait to get these guys on the tabletop! I started with my Pre-Heresy styled models and converted them up a little after I wrote that article, before adding paint. Remember me? I has paint now! The heads I added were […]
Read MorePainted Figure Showcase
Today I have a little conversionary? treat (if that’s a word, lol) for you. It’s an oldie but a goodie, which I have a sweet spot for. Check out this converted and painted Deathwatch Squad, by Beef (hold the cheddar). For me there was always something cool about the Deathwatch guys. When their bits came out […]
Read MoreLast August I was able to get some pics of Dan Johnson’s Amazing True Scale Night Lords army while we were all at the last Games Day in Baltimore. Unfortunately the light in the hotel was kinda crap and they didn’t turn out the best. Eventually he made his way by the store for a weekend, and […]
Read MoreThere is a neat little community out there that came up with a true skirmish version of 40k. It’s called “Death Squads” and it’s pretty cool.You can find out more over on their site. You have to register to get to the downloads section, but once you do all the resources are then available. There […]
Read MoreHere is a guest “Guide” by Scottywon82. According to him it’s not really complicated enough to warrant the name, but I still like it. You can find Scottywon82 lurking about over on DakkaDakka most of the time, or harassing us at FTW Games 🙂For the army list, I plan on running – at 1000 points – […]
Read MoreFor those of you not familiar with it there is an old board game out there, that was just re done in fact, that emulates a first person shooter. It pretty much combines the play of 40k with the ridiculousness of Duke Nukem, and makes for a lot of fun. The game is called FRAG! and it’s a AWESOME. […]
Read MoreHere is a guest Painting “Guide” by Scottywon82. According to him it’s not really complicated enough to warrant the name, but I still like it. You can find Scottywon82 lurking about over on DakkaDakka most of the time, or harassing us at FTW Games 🙂 I really went for a simple look with the Prussians, […]
Read MoreOver the weekend we had a little painting competition here at Spikey Bits central (namely FTW Games in Richmond Virginia), for the staff. We couldn’t enter the public one last month, so we came up with our own to be fair to all our wonderful customers! Now we need you help to sort out the winner according to the […]
Read MoreSo here is the finished product from last week, a Daemon Prince of Tzeentch Diorama. My buddy Jkin spent the good part of a few weeks converting up both the base, and the model itself.They are pretty much all scratch built with a ton a green stuff. I really dig the drippy blood effect, and […]
Read MoreCheck out this sweet Diorama base my buddy Josh made for his Tzeentch Daemon prince. It’s pretty much all scratch built with a ton a green stuff. The premise for the scene is the Tzeentchy Daemon Prince shredded open an Ork Trukk, and after growing bored toying with the Nob, has banished him to kicking and screaming […]
Read MoreBesides declare Waaaagh on the other gaming tables, of course? Bad Orky gorilla jokes aside, recently I decided to set up all my Ork models to take some pictures for the blog and prep for an upcoming Apocalypse game. As it turns out I have a bunch of models, an embarrassing large amount actually, so many in fact that I […]
Read MoreI remember the dark skies, the smell of brimstone and death hanging high almost as if to linger in the air. The year was 2003, the Chaos Space Marines were on the warpath, and it was good to be bad. Nowadays while the skies have cooled with the times (and their abomination of a “5th […]
Read MoreThis is another guest post by FTW Games regular Meeker. Like a lot of people around the shop, he got into Dystopian Wars recently. Read on to find out how he painted his Federated States of America Battlegroup, and feel free to catch up with him over at the Stony Point Refugee (SPR) Forums, Painting […]
Read MoreOver the past few years I’ve been privileged to meet a lot of great hobbyists out there. One such fellow is Dan Johnson. Dan produces amazingly realistic Marine conversion that are really just phenomenal. In addition to cranking out great conversions, he has been busy winning awards at both BolsCon (WarGamesCon) and Baltimore Games Day […]
Read MoreMy buddy Joe Carlson came up to me at Games Day last weekend with this very nicely done Abaddon conversion using his pewter bits with a new plastic terminator. I had to take a few pics of the mini so I could share with you all!Get Featured! If you have a unique conversion and would […]
Read MoreCheck out this fantastic Daemon Prince Conversion by Brass Scorpion. He used bits from the new Plastic Daemon Prince, Chaos Spawn, Defiler, and more. Below are some great shots of this guy painted up. Would you believe that he painted the whole model in just a few days?
Read MoreWell it took me long enough (sorry Chris) but here is a great looking Tyranid Army by Chris Showers. I played against this army at Cabin Fever ’10 GT in Harrisburg, PA, and I was floored by the looks it. What makes this army even better is the fact that those Hive Guards were painted […]
Read MoreThat’s right! I won the category for best Fantasy Monster, and Best Scratch Built Miniature at War Games Con (formerly BoLS Con) this weekend with my Lash Prince of Slaanesh. Here are some pics of him in case you missed him earlier in the year. Slaaneshi yes? -MBG
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