Salamanders Mastodon Showcase & Rent A Miniature Program

space marine mastodon showcase

Don’t miss an amazingly painted Salamanders Mastodon from White Metal Games that’s part of their rent a miniature program.

Bringing in a monster truck for this showcase, White Metal Games is really stepping it up. This massive Mastodon is ready to bring in some troops and deploy melting fire everywhere. Boasting a size comparable to 3 Land Raiders put together, this massive beast will dominate the tabletop. Going for a Salamanders theme is always good, especially when your hull is made of lava!


The Mastodon is a Forge World all resin model kit for the Space Marine faction.  Painted up in the Salamander heraldry makes this beast a fire breathing menace for Xenos and heretics. Decorated with Seraphon bits makes this Mastodon feel like a dragon. This is further supported by the fact that magma stenciling has been done on the hull.


The large, flat hull panels were a great place to perform weathering work on the Mastodon. Custom scratch work and battle scars make this freshly painted beast look like it’s seen millennia of war. Painted at the high level, this model tops off the charts for painting commissions from White Metal Games.


White Metal Games continues to produce high quality painted miniatures. As a commission service, their studio gets more and more experienced, and that means higher quality painting. Don’t forget to check out White Metal Games’ rental program to own this Mastodon for your own collection.

Commissioned models provided in exchange for this showcase promotion.

About the Author: Barclay Montgomery

I’m a weird guy wargamer and hobby enthusiast. I’m like the Thing, I can take many forms. I could be a bounty hunter looking for Rebel prey, a commander of an Imperial fleet, or the Hive Mind of the Great Devourer of Worlds.