The Space Marines have so many heroes that mankind can’t remember them all, so each chapter must record their personal stories!
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The Eldar are one of the oldest races in the universe, and they have been trying to stop the warp longer than we have existed!
Read MoreA long time ago, part of the Eldar Broke off and isolated themselves from society; they ended up riding dragons and lizards!
Read MoreSpace Marines not only designate their rank through visual cues but also have armor that differs from their brethren sometimes!
Read MoreThe Dark Angels are always looking for their fallen brethren, but they had no idea that they may have had a sister!
Read MoreThe Orks are always ready to have a good time; it’s just too bad that their definition of a good time is not the same as ours!
Read MoreThe Space Marines have been getting better and stronger over the millennia and will only continue to do so for many more!
Read MoreThe Lion has recently returned, bringing the number of loyal Primarchs that have returned to two, but we may see more soon!
Read MoreThere are few warriors that are as powerful as the Imperial Guard; they go to battle with giant insects and alien robots with nothing but guns and a sword!
Read MoreThere are a few times in the 40k universe that something really changes and moves the story in a big way, and this one did!
Read MoreThere are some times that the Space Marines show off the power of mankind and the true reach the empire has!
Read MoreThe Eldar are one of the oldest races in the galaxy, which makes them sometimes arrogant to the races that came after them!
Read MoreThe Dwarves have made a major return in the 40k game, they were lost in space for a long time, but now they are ready to reclaim their domain!
Read MoreWith the tournament down to the last day, here are our favorite Warhammer 40k Armies of the ATC 2023- check it out!
Read MoreThe are only a few Primarchs who have returned, and most of them are chaos, so it’s nice to see another of the loyalists return!
Read MoreThe newest Primarch has a face that seems really similar; it may be because he looks like the Space Marine version of a certain Lannister!
Read MoreIn the far future when you need help and are losing faith fast, nothing helps more than having a lioness come to your side!
Read MoreThe Tyranids are the one race that truly doesn’t have any major objectives; their only objective is to eat and survive!
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