Blood Angels Painting Tutorial From Goobertown Hobbies

Feature GoobertownThis week Goobertown is giving us a Blood Angels painting tutorial that’s all about getting a large batch of Marines done for a charity event!

Goobertown Hobbies is a great content creator who has interesting takes on the hobby. Whether it’s a collaboration with other hobby YouTubers or a challenge for himself, he has a broad range of topics he covers. He’ll walk us through some batch painting techniques and what it’s like working with other painters on a big project.

He’ll be painting up three squads of Blood Angels for the upcoming charity event in this video. While a group of other painters will be finishing up the rest of the army.  This army is going to be raffled off to help Breast Cancer Research with all profits going to the charity. So if you don’t feel like learning how to batch paint, just go buy some raffle tickets and win the army!

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Blood Angels Painting Tutorial From Goobertown Hobbies

Goobertown Blood Angel FinishedHere’s the end result we are going for. Pretty easy, quick, and great looking! He’s going to be using a similar strategy to the last time he painted Marines in a speed challenge.

Keep in mind, he’s painting 30 Marines for a charity that is going to be combined with other painters’ contributions to make a full army. This army is going to be raffled off through the Nova Open to help support the fight against Breast Cancer. Go get some tickets, win this army, and help out!

Base Coats

Base coat And baseStart with a black primer then hit it with a base coat of Mephiston Red and cover the whole model. Next hit a highlight with Coat d’arms Blood Red from above as a highlight. Once dry, load a bluish-grey into the airbrush and hit highlights anywhere you think will look cool. He does the shoulders, knees, and head. These are beefy marines and have plenty of space for highlighting. Dark shading was one of the goals for the army, so he’s leaving plenty of shadows all over the model.

Guns and Wash

Gun stage Blood AngelThese are three distinct squads, so he gave one blue knee pads, one yellow knee pads then one black knee pads, just so he doesn’t get confused later on. Next hit the gun with a basecoat of Black and the metal bits with Silver. Next, he does a black wash in the recesses, like the arm joints, inside of the shoulder pads, on the head, the slits, and backpack indents. Lastly, with the wash, he darkens the sockets on the lenses. Then he hits it with a little green to make it pop.


Decal StageBefore you start, make sure you cut away enough of the plastic so it doesn’t look odd when you put it on the mini. Just place whatever decals you like with a hobby tool on the shoulder pad and knee pad. After the decals dry come back and give the minis a satin varnish to seal everything in.


Highlighting stageTo start mix the red with some flesh paint for this stage. Just do a single round of edge highlighting on all the raised edges. He wanted to keep the shadows so didn’t really do any highlighting below the waist. Then hit the edge of the gun sight with a dab of blue.

Scuffed Up StageFor the veterans, he took a sponge dipped in black on the end of a pair of tweezers, and hits spots all over the mini that make sense to give them a battle-worn feel.  Then does a tiny bit of silver on top of that.

And that’s it! Super simple fast and you get some great looking mins. He keeps the stages to a minimum so you can a whole army on the tabletop fast.

Finished SquadIf you have a few extra bucks lying around and want a chance to win an awesome army, go buy some raffle tickets!

If you are curious about what he has to say, and for more details on the techniques watch the full video above! Also, be sure to Subscribe to Goobertown Hobbies if you enjoy his content!

Blood Angels Painting Tutorial

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