Cult of Paint is Coming To The States: Learn From The Pros!

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Want to up your paint game with personalized lessons from Golden Demon winners? Cult of Paint is coming back to the States later this year!

Reserve a spot now if you’ve been wanting to get some serious professional help on painting your minis! The Cult of Paint  team will be giving lessons in Martinsville, Indiana at the “Battle Barn.”

The Cult of Paint crew is capable of pulling off some of the most stunning pieces of art you’ll ever see on the table. This opportunity to get some incredible professional help is extremely rare. This is the only the second time the team has ever taught on U.S soil.

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Take a closer look at the event details:

Lessons From May 22nd-26th

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The class is designed to make your army stand out in the crowd. The course is set up to push your skills with a brush and airbrush. Everything in this class will work towards refining your skills and blending colors to a smooth transition on the model.
It will be a Mathew Kane-taught Advanced Brush Skills and Character Painting class in Martinsville, Indiana on May 22nd through May 26th at the “Battle barn”.  There are only twenty seats available and a five-day ticket will cost $400.
The main topics covered over the five days will be: 
  •  Color Theory
  • Transitions and Focal Points
  •  Power Weapons
  • Flesh and Faces
  • Cloaks and Embroidery
  •  Light Sourcing
  •  Metallics
  •  Transfers on difficult surfaces

Matt Khane has won multiple Golden Demon awards and is the former Forge World model painter. He’s now coming to America to offer his skills and knowledge to you. However, if those dates don’t work out for you, you can check out what’s going on in April!

Lessons From April 19th-21st

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They’ll be giving painting lessons on Infantry and vehicle models from April 19-21 at the Battle Barn in Martinsville, Indiana. Tickets are going to cost around $250 and there are only twenty seats available for the class. You can buy these tickets directly from Cult of Paint’s site.  Save the date on your calendar and get ready to level up those painting skills over the weekend!

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If you’re serious about getting some high-quality knowledge on the hobby, bring a Deimos-Pattern Rhino, five, mk 3/4/7 Marines or three Primaris Marines. 

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They’ll be going over the fundamentals like: 

  • Airbrush Maintenance and best practice.
  • Pre-shading using an airbrush and hairy brush, considering light sources and their effect on different shapes across the models.
  •  Color application using an airbrush, creating smooth transitions across different areas.
  • Edge Highlighting
  • Battle damage and weathering using a variety of products, from acrylic paint to oils, pigments to enamels.
  • Applying waterslide transfers. Including cutting and fitting them in irregular surfaces and blending them into a finished paint job.
  •  Detailing eye lenses, weapons, exhausts and tracks.

Knowledge For A Lifetime

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 Our focus is on helping you understand each stage of the process and how to apply it not only to miniatures you have brought to class but across future projects.

Don’t go in the mindset of getting an annoying project done. The models you bring will be your canvas for testing and practicing. Focus on keeping the knowledge that you learn retained for a long-time use!

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Like we’ve said before, this is a rare opportunity and a perfect chance for you to step up your model-painting game. There are only twenty total seats for both of the classes so go ahead and set the date for the event and reserve your ticket! Will you be going to Indiana for the painting lessons?

Which one are you most interested in? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby group.