No Label? Top Miniature Paint Color Conversion Charts

hobby hacks washes and paints hor walThere are a whole plethora of hobby paint companies to pick from now, here are some of the top miniature paint conversion color charts out there!

If you’ve stuck to one paint brand for the longest time but decided to venture out, you might be wondering which colors match other brands the closest. You might also be wondering what each paint looks like once it’s actually on the palette. In both cases, you’ll want to check out these reference guides.

Top Miniature Paints Conversion & Reference Charts

A while back, GW increased the prices on basically all of their products. Along with their plastic kits going up in 2019, so did their paints, but only by roughly 30 cents. But that was just the start of the changes to their paint range.

With Contrast fully out they also moved their airbrush line to 24ml pots with a higher price point.

But there are also a bunch of other incredible non-Games Workshop brands out there that you should also be aware of before you step up to the register. Here is a full breakdown of some of the top miniature paint manufacturers out there updated for 2022, along with conversion charts and pricing comparisons.

Best Paints for Miniatures & Models

99179999036_ProjectPaintSet01If you thought GW paint was expensive enough as it is, or just don’t like the way their paints are bottled, there are still some great brands out there like Army PainterScale75,  Turbodork, Pro Acryl, and Vallejo to name a few.

Please keep in mind these are only the paints we have experience working with and by no means a complete list of all the acrylics out there. Here at Spikey Bits, we are never going to give you advice on something we have not used and tested ourselves.

Comparing The Quantity/Price:

  • Citadel GW Paint: 12ml pot for $4.55
  • Citadel Contrast Paint: 18ml pot for $7.80
  • Citadel Air (new, bigger pot) 24 ml pot for $7.80
  • Vallejo Paint: 17ml dropper bottle for $3.39
  • Pro Acryl: 22ml dropper bottle for $4 (Note: they raised the price 25 cents, but also give 5ml more per pot now). 

turbodork true metals paint

Breaking Down the Price Per ML

Pro Acryl 22 ml

  • Citadel GW38 Cents/ML
  • Citadel Contrast: 43 Cents/ ML  (most expensive)
  • Citadel Air (new bigger pot): 33 Cents / ML
  • Vallejo20 Cents/ML
  • Pro Acryl: 18 Cents/ML (tied for least expensive)
  • Turbodork30 Cents/ML
  • Scale 75 27 Cents/ML
  • Army Painter18 Cents/ML (tied for least expensive)
  • P3 Paint (Privateer Press)  22 Cents/ML

Looking at the breakdown, GW actually has the most expensive paint per ML across the board. Plus, they don’t come in the dropper bottles that all the other brands use.

Transfer Your Citadel Paints to Dropper Bottles

While it’s not 100% necessary, it just helps prevent your paints from drying out and keep messes down to a minimum.

Pro & Cons of Each Line:

hobby hacks washes and paints hor wal

  • Citadel GW: Widely available at most game and GW stores worldwide. Constant consistency across all batches.- The only bad thing is that the paint pot uses a pour method, which can cause messes and paints to dry faster. Plus the price is basically the highest per ML.
  • Vallejo: Widely available at game stores worldwide. High consistency across all batches and a wide variety of styles of paints. Their line of air paints is loved by many as it was the first widely available to hobbyists.
  • Pro Acryl Available now in selected gaming stores, one of the best bottle designs out there, and now more for your hobby dollars. Plus, the quality of the paint is insanely high.
  • Turbodork:  Also now available in some stores, along with quick shipping in America. Their Turboshift colors are some of the most interesting out there.
  • Scale 75: Available mostly web only, quick shipping in America. Matte paint is one of the most realistic out there.
  • Army Painter Available at more and more game stores worldwide. Constant consistency across all batches and color match primers/ paint bottle system saves hours of time hobbying. Plus they just started a new airbrushing line, and now a speedpaint (contrast) line as well.
  • P3 Paint (Privateer Press) Available at game stores worldwide. High consistency across all batches, rumored to have been developed by hobby guru Mike McVey of McVey studios.

So it looks like Army Painter has the lowest price of paint per ML out of the other brands. Meanwhile, GW is topping the charts as far as price goes.

If you want a more in-depth conversion guide between brands, this shows the comparison of a ton of different lines.

Oh and just for funsies, we did the math what a gallon of GW paint would cost you. 

At 3785 ML per Gallon, you would pay $1438.30 for one gallon of paint from Games Workshop – nearly double their competitors.

Maybe now is the time you want to try and expand your paint horizons? If so, you can check out a more in-depth review of some of Army Painter’s paint bundles including bases and washes.

If You’re a Diehard Citadel Fan

pdf gw painting system


If you are one of the people that like to stick to their guns, GW has plenty of painting guides to help you create the exact look of what you’re wanting. You can even download the Citadel paint app to have everything at your fingertips.

It might be worth your while to check out some of their online charts as well.

Other Paint Reference Charts

If you want to see how the other paints match up with their reference charts, check them out below or click the links for the full charts.

Monument Hobbies

Monument Hobbies Pro Acryl Chart

The army Painter

Army Painter Conversion Chart

p3 paint reference guide

P3 Paints

At the end of the day, use whatever keeps your hobby muscles strong. Everybody has their own preferences. Some people prefer cheap, some people prefer the more expensive thing. But remember, a higher cost doesn’t always mean it’s better either.

Vortex Paint Mixer For Miniatures is a Clump Buster!

Which hobby supplies and paints do you prefer for your minaitures? Have you switched your Citadel paints to dropper bottles?

About the Author: Wesley Floyd

Wesley Floyd

Wesley Floyd headshotJob Title: Staff Writer

Joined: 2018


Bio: Imperial fanboy, tabletop fanatic, and the self-proclaimed King of Sprues. Wes has been in the Warhammer hobby since 2015 and joined the Spikey Bits writing team in 2018. He knows for a fact that Mephiston red is the best-tasting paint and is the commission painting equivalent of a Wendy’s 4 for $4.

If you like what he writes and want to reach out or get your models painted (to a mostly okayish standard), message him on Instagram.